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Barber Mind - Flash Super Gel | Packaging

Data di pubblicazione 23/02/2018

Miraloop For Brands is once again involved in the Beauty & Wellness sector and more precisely in the creation of products and product lines. We are talking about Barber Mind, a famous Milanese company born with the product lines designed and manufactured by our design team. Barber Mind was founded in the mid 10's in Milan, has dealers all over the world and is one of the many small companies that gives strength to export Made in Italy.

Flash Super Gel is the latest addition to the Hair and Grooming products line, and is its first premium gel: a Super Gel! For the development of the design we were inspired by the iconic years of Gel, the 90s, and the POP style that characterized them. They were "colour" years in which the look of the hair was particularly sought after. So we imagined the typical Barber Mind customer buying our Super Gel and looking forward to using it and taking a picture. That's when he was born: Flash Super Gel!



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