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Facebook chooses Villaggio della Salute Piu the Case Study of 2014 among Italian companies

Data di pubblicazione 19/12/2014

Facebook chose Villaggio della Salute Piu the national Case Study of 2014 for its creative use of the service. The operation was managed by the agency Elyca (Miraloop) on behalf of Essepienne SPA. We’d like to thank Facebook for the attention and advertisement and now we’d like to present the essential points of the 2014 successful project.

Digital Identity: Villaggio della Satule Piu was completely revolutionized with a new logo, a new website, a new image. From a hot springs in the winter and Aquapark in the summer, it evolved into a city surrounded by nature. The website mirrors the story of the place in its entirety.
Multimedia: we bought 1 Therabyte of diverse photos and drone videos representing the place in the most objective way. Shooting Villagio took 1 year of work.
Social Media: Villaggio della Salute Piu doubled the registrations in one year, with a low budget and the organic type of registration only.
Social Marketing: the multimedia were used for creating a low cost conversion. Strategy: the campaign was wholly managed by Miraloop, from the electronic to the paper format, creating familiarity in the response to the campaign on the web. At the same time we helped the company significantly reduce their paper format use.

From this operation, about which we’ll talk more profoundly in other articles, other, more evident activities were launched on social networks, and we’re very proud that it was Facebook to consider our page a national Case Study. Facebook’s Case Study is a page dedicated to a company that publishes the activities of other companies on the service. The page is made of photos (here we’ve attached two of those used there) and a short questionnaire. We were concise: here you can read the “short” interview present on Facebook.

Villaggio 2014: Facebook Case Study

We’ve noticed your Facebook page and we’d like to know more about your activities and the way you’ve been using Facebook to succeed.

  1. About your activity:

Villaggio della Salute Piu is a village dedicated to health, welfare, relax, and entertainment among the nature. A real citadel built between the Middle Ages and the XVIII century, today transformed into the biggest thermal aquapark in Europe, hot springs, agritourism, hotel, and a restaurant, agriculture and farms, all in one place. The place’s history can be read here (in Italian):

2) The objective of your Marketing on Facebook:

Our objective? Raising the knowledge of the brand. We wanted to show the place to as many people as possible, considering diverse targets that could be used for the case.

3) Solutions:

We’ve used Facebook like an agora where you can tell the story of who you are with words, images, and emotions.

4) Tactic on Facebook:
To make our activity grow on Facebook we focused mostly on the quality of the multimedia contents. We put our trust in a creative agency to make our activity speak to people as a real life experience. Villaggio is a unique experience, and we wanted to picture it as unique also on Facebook.

Your results: State the results you achieved through Facebook advertising in numbers.

On the course of 2014 we came to around 40.000 followers and the interaction with the page multiplied mostly organically. Some photos were liked thousands of times. Advertising on Facebook helped us mostly with targeting diverse proposals, as we’re offering services for all kinds of public, from the young to couples, from parents to grandparents. Thanks to those operations, we managed to choose the public according to the occasion and this allowed us to diversify and create our offer.

Thank you!
Global Marketing Solutions Team



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