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IFPI Digital Music Report 2009. The digital goes from 1% to 20% in the music market.

Di Staff
Data di pubblicazione 21/09/2009

When we opened Miraloop, while all the record companies used to selling physical records were about to close, we knew that the digital bet was vital, and we were sure it was just a matter of time. In a few years, from 2006 to 2009, the sale of digital music has increased from 1% to 20% of the total market.
Our forecast, already made in 2007 when Miraloop was only "thought out", was based on the certainty that, in a few years (and two years have already passed confirming the trend), the digital market would reach such a point that the old paradigms were all to be reconstituted, giving us at least a chance. Today we can venture to prophesy that, of the old players of the discography, only those who currently still have a turnover with the radio stations (major and independent multinationals) will keep the advantages: all the others will live mostly from the proceeds of the editions of the old records.

It's up to us "little ones" to create new music with our own strengths. Because those who have to maintain a turnover will probably not risk at least on the Italian market. This "annual digital music report" is also interesting because, reading it, you will have the musical panorama of when Miraloop, in 2009, started to sell the first records.

Enjoy reading!
(NB: the content is entirely in English, we recommend reading has those who are familiar with the language across the Channel)




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