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Insex - Wonderful: the backstage becomes a videoclip

Data di pubblicazione 26/10/2010

When a photo shoot becomes a video! They are Insex, and Wonderful is a song written by Gerolamo for his band, with the voice of Mantis Le Sin (the singer), the guitars of Vigos and the bass of Antonio Olivo akaTrevor Duncan. The video was made with a camera while Mario La Fortezza (Follow Mario on Instagram by clicking here) immortalized the band together with the beautiful Eva, model/ tattoo artist from Padua who will be portrayed as the protagonist on the cover of the album Inside Insane Insex, Insex's first album (an electrorock milestone, listen to it!). Created by Mario La Fortezza, this clip has the curiosity to contain a drummer who has played in the band only two weeks, including the video.



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