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Di Staff
Data di pubblicazione 22/10/2015

In July of 2015 the project „Producer’s Area”, which was initiated in the spring of 2015, came to conclusion. Producer’s Area serves as a tool for translating complex printouts concerning money transactions from our stores and streaming platforms into an easy interface for sales management, personalized accordingly to each producer cooperating with Miraloop. The project will be promoted together with launching of the new website,, on the 21st November 2015. With Producer’s Area, Miraloop’s offering to its producers/ artists (in Miraloop’s world its often the same person) a „back-end” on the website, where they can monitor and interpret every piece of data concerning the monetisation of their tracks. They can filter the information by date, the whole publication or a single track, store, streaming, and sales, in order to develop their own projects in the best way possible. This IT support is a novelty for a label, given that this kind of service is offered only by the multinational collectors, who, as for instance Believe Digital, are not in fact discographic labels. Among Producer’s Area features there are: an impressive graphic, a page concerning the contracts (where you can monitor the tracks expressed as percentages), and a page for requesting and receiving payments. Producer’s Area is a tool that everyone should have!




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