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Reconcile by Junio & Licorice #18 Beatport

Data di pubblicazione 09/07/2019

Reconcile is an important track in the history of Miraloop because it unites two artists, Licorice and Junio, that come from different music cultures and have published with two different Miraloop labels. Licorice with the Hearts division of Miraloop Records and Junio with the Spades division, have carried out two different projects that come together for the first time with Reconcile, in a way we dare to say "exaggerated". The western atmospheres of Junio's cinema-inspired electronica, dub and metal music meet a clear, sweet voice, which tells a story and thus spills over into pop. These are tracks to play in the car during a long journey, maybe at sunset. And the debut rewards the union of these two worlds with an important placement in the Beatport Top 100 dance chart.




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