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Satisfied (Original) #9 Top 200 Elettronica on iTunes

Data di pubblicazione 21/12/2018

The great comeback by Andy Fluon is celebrated by reaching position #9 in the Top 200 Electronica chart of iTunes. Andy, former of Bluvertigo together with Morgan, returns to the scene with Geo from Hell and Miraloop, a young record company in Bologna always attentive to the latest news and at the forefront of the independent scene. 2 versions of Satisfied are published: the original version is published under Miraloop Records - Hearts the "freaky" and unconventional electropop label of Miraloop. The Mix Club (remix version) is published under Miraloop Records - Clubs, the EDM label of Miraloop. Satisfied sees Geo as producer and Andy on vocals and guitars: the song is a lethal loop, to listen to and listen to again.




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