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GF Imola. Hydraulic connections told as jewels: narrative photography for industry

Data di pubblicazione 09/01/2017

GF Imola is a company founded in Emilia-Romagna for the production and sale of brass fittings for gas and water pipes. The entire B2B communication project with the multilingual site was carried out by the Miraloop for Brands team, together with Marg8, who took care of the programming. A technical site becomes a chic web site using the photographic story as a continuum that crosses the various sections. The site sells an industrial product but from a technical point of view and at the same time narrative: the color used to paint the site is the golden of a treasure found after many centuries.

In this article we show you the more narrative side of the photographic story. The whole site is embellished with graphics chosen to survive the fashions, just like the brass fitting that has already turned more than 50 years spanning two generations.

All these photographs were taken on site, in Imola, at the headquarters of GF. Do you want to see also the photographs used for the technical data sheets made in our photographic studio? Click here



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