Gerolamo Sacco

The Renaissance EP

Release date: 31/12/2010

Indie Pop Rock & Alternative
No more waiting. The first crazy work by Gerolamo Sacco is on iTunes and all the other music stores. Renaissance is a concept album that bring Gerolamo’s world in …the Renaissace. But not a Renaissance as hystorical time. The Renaissance as infinite moment, mental and human condition, an experience, an ethernal resource of creativity and inspiration. Songs like “Io Non Compro più Speranza”, “Rinascimento”, “Medioevo” reveal an improbable but perfectly realized mix between renaissance/baroque sonorities, minstrel’s strokes, ancient flavour melodies and an electronic vision of the next future. Enjoy this Renaissance festival in a space ambience! It seems this will be not the first, not the last, because the author declared that Renaissance is properly a saga, with many songs like these ones, dedicated to this crazy intuition of imagining the future with the look of the past.

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